IPLD User Model
How can we use Biscuit with DAG-JSON CID's and jsonschema to create a decentralized version of OAuth integrated with blockchain signing systems that also works with Nostr.
What Problem are we trying to solve?
When I was developing my Question Engine POC V1 had the following user flow,
- User wants to create account
- User goes to Question Engine website
- User selects create account
- Form pops up requiring user input a new username
- User fills in their desired user name
- User selects submit on form
- MetaMask pops up requiring signature from user
- Signature and requested username are sent to server
- Validation occurs on server and cookies is generated and sent to be stored in client's browser
- User is now logged in
- User now attaches cookie to every request that requires authentication
Requiring MetaMask to sign every request sent to a Question Engine website is a bad user flow.