Encrypted Git Backup
- This thing works perfectly and is exactly what I want, just stores an encrypted blog for each commit, have no idea what is actually in it server side
git init
git remote add cryptoremote gcrypt::[email protected]:dentropy/private-pkm.git
git config remote.cryptoremote.gcrypt-participants E165....
git config remote.cryptoremote.gcrypt-signingkey E165....
git add index.md
git commit -m "Plz be encrypted"
git pull cryptoremote master
git branch --set-upstream-to=cryptoremote/master master
git pull
git push -u cryptoremote master
git push --force -u cryptoremote master
- git-crypt does not encrypt file names, which is a big problem
- git-annex seems to do what we want
- Does much more then encryption, not what we want
- Complex to use