PGP Stands for Pretty Good Privacy and gpg
is the Linux program that implements the standard
Basics of PGP
Use GPG on linux
gpg --help
List keys
# List public keys you have stored (yours and other people's keys)
gpg --list-keys
# List private keys (generally only your own)
gpg --list-secret-keys
Generate a key
gpg --gen-key
Backup a private key
gpg --list-secret-keys
# Replace XXXXXXXX with your hexadecimal key ID
gpg --export-secret-keys --armor XXXXXXXX > ./my-priv-gpg-key.asc
# Omitting the --armor flag will give you binary output instead of ASCII
# which would result in a slightly smaller file but the ASCII
# formatted (armored) can be printed physically, is human readable,
# and transfered digitally easier.
# Both formats can be imported back in to GPG later
Restore private key
gpg --import ./my-priv-gpg-key.asc
Sign something
Encrypt something for someone else
gpg --sign --armor --recipient [email protected] --encrypt message.txt
# --output File.gpg
Decrypt something from someone else
gpg -d EncryptedFile.asc
Delete keys
# Private keys
gpg --delete-secret-keys XXXXXXXX
# Public keys
gpg --delete-keys XXXXXXXX
Learning PGP
Create a pgp key
- gpg --gen-key
- gpg --full-generate-key
Export ones public key
gpg --export [email protected] > pubkey.gpg
- gpg --armor --export [email protected] > pubkey.gpg
Create the revocation certificate
gpg --gen-revoke [email protected]
exports to text
List keys
gpg --list-keys
How to import a pgp key
gpg --import someonesgpgkey.asc
.asc for text encoded, .gpg for binary files
.asc when using --armored uses ascii
How to get a gpg key
gpg --fingerprint uid
- gpg --recv-keys 00xABCDEFGH
- gpg --import pubkey.gpg
gpg --list-sigs
List keys with signitures
- gpg --delete-key uid
xxd, a hex viewer
file, a linux command for telling you what kind of file a file is
What is gpg-agent