Community Meme Context Generation User Journey
User Stories
As a Data Hoarder, I want a way to find dank memes from the data I scraped, so that I can engage in the meme economy
As a Discord Moderator, I want a way to find who memes the best within the community, so that I can engage with them to make this community better
As a Edgelord, I want to find the best memes, so that I can spread them within other communities, so that so that I gain reputation among anons
- How about doing a reverse image search on these images
- I personally upload my meme directory
- I can now share my memes with all my friends
- But sharing all my memes at once is sorta useless, I need to produce context
- I want to export an Ontology of concepts from my PKMS that I can use to connect with the memes
- So what you link Do-ocracy to the concept of Do-ocracy that is no utility in that
- Like bro you can also generate all those images
- Question everything, find truth, and don't forget to check your premises
- Thoughts/List/Interrogate Everything
- I am supposed to use this tagging medium in order to extract my values, model of the world, make my memes searchable, talk to all my memes.
- Alright why have you not done this yet?
- I have no real excuse.