User Stories
User Story Research
As a [user type] I want [action], so that [benefit / value].
So an example of this for hive might be:
"As a competitive gamer, I want to see leader-boards on tournament pages so that I can compare myself to others more easily."
I got a user story for the over arching goal, I just need to rephrase it for the more imediate goals.
Actually I have another human I am building for now rather than myself, they want human in the loop labeling of discord messages for use as a knowledge repository/wiki. I will also be grabbing metadata for YouTube videos posted on their discord server.
"As an event spectator, I want streams to be more easily accessible so I can watch my friends play in tournaments"
A user story is the smallest unit of work in an agile framework. It’s an end goal, not a feature, expressed from the software user’s perspective.
- 17 Useful user story examples to get you started - Justinmind
- User story - Wikipedia
- Hi all! Could you ELI5 your implementation of User Stories and add an example? : learnprogramming
- User Stories | Examples and Template | Atlassian
- User Story vs User Journey